not sure if there was ever any such thing published. I remember guides to pretty much everything else but not that.
Here's a quicky guide to putting your tables into your DB
1. Get yourself a good mysql editing program.
Most people go for Navicat for some reason that I will never understand. I can't stand the thing and besides it ISN'T free.
I use PHPMyAdmin which come completely free with Xampp. Since you already use Xampp anyway (if you follow the guides) then why bother with an inferior and way more complicated program to manage your database when you already have a much more versatile tool already there? PHPMyAdmin uses a web interface that you can access at localhost\phpmyadmin on any browser window after you start up xampp.
2. Setting up with xampp. The first time you run xampp open a browser and type in localhost. It will take you to a setup page which will take you through a bunch of security questions and also set up phpmyadmin for you. I'm not going into details here. Just follow the on screen instructions.
3. Making a database.
Run phpmyadmin as described above (or navicat if you really want to. I don't use it so I can't give step by step instructions)
On the opening page you will see "Create a new database" Type in a name. Click "create" and you have your empty database.
4. Add tables. the quickest and easiest way is to just use the supplied "server_database.sql" file.
first enter the database you just created. with PHPMyAdmin you will already be inside it. the left pane should show the name of your database at the top and underneath it will say "no tables found"
Along the top you will see a series of tabs. if you hover over them, most of them will change your cursor into a red X indicating that you cannot do anything there. Find the one labelled "import" and click it.
now navigate to the "server_database.sql" file in your server database folder.
Click the GO button and wait till the queries are finished.
All SQL handling is done with Queries. These are commands that are written in plain text and can be edited in notepad (or notepad++ preferably)
If you have individual tables in sql format then they could be loaded one by one in the same way but DR5 only comes with a single file.
You will need to run the other two smaller queries in the same way to patch your table. they will modify a few of the main table formats.
That's it. nothing more to it..