With the somewhat recent news that Google Code is (slowly) shutting down, and that all repositories should be migrated (i.e. to GitHub), I've taken the liberty to do just that.
Currently, they are located at Qix-/osirose, Qix-/osprose, and Qix-/osrose.
However, I have tweeted to Brett Lawson whom I presume is the owner of github.com/osROSE to see if I can't get either ownership/membership to the organization, in which case the above will be migrated there (so check that organization in the event the three aforementioned links are dead).
This also means I'll be able to start porting all of the code to cross-platform friendly code bases more easily. I refuse to let this project die.
Mods/devs of osROSE, just respond here with your GitHub handles and I'll add you as contributors to all of the repositories, and in the event I gain ownership of the organization, I'll add you to the org as well.