Backup / restore your database with Navicat.

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Backup / restore your database with Navicat.

Postby lmame on Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:24 pm

Here is how to quickly back and restore your mysql database with Navicat.

I°) Backup:
Right click on the database you want to backup, select "dump sql file":

Enter a file name and click "Save":

Then click "Start" and wait:
03.png (7.78 KiB) Viewed 19674 times

II°) Restore:
Right click on a database you just created, select "execute a batch file":

Select your backup file (.sql) clicking on the button "..." then click "Start" and wait.
05.png (7.5 KiB) Viewed 19674 times

III°) Notes:
Of course you can select only one table to save or use another software to do this (like phpmyadmin).
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