Osrose In-depth GM Command List

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Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby DeltaBurnt on Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:51 pm

Alright I got my gmcmds.cpp file and decided I would post a GM command list up here for people to use. Each one has a description and an example. But same are kinda hard to figure out so if you guys could help pitch in with the descriptions and examples that would be awesome ^^

And of course anything with ? at the end I'm unsure about, such as "Ex: /addquest [questID]?" that means I'm unsure about the whole example. But something like "Ex: /cha [slotname] [WeapID?] [StatID]" means that I'm sure about most of the usage except for that one parameter (WeapID).

The list:

Add a quest to your active quest list?
Ex: /addquest [questID]?

Gives every single skill to a player
Ex: /allskill [playername]

Make your character do an animation.
Ex: /ani [animationID]

Sends an announcement across the channel.
Ex: /ann [message]

Modifies your attack speed?
Ex: /atkModif [rate]?

Basically the same as /ann but I think it's across the WHOLE server like even across channels.
Ex: /b [message]

Allows you to ban a player, won't work on other GMs
Ex: /ban [playername]

I think it allows you to give a player bonus exp for a certain ammount of time...
Ex: /bonusxp [playername]?

Gives a player any buff?
Ex: /buff [playername]?
Note: This is normally commented out by Drakia, so you must edit gmcmds.cpp to be able to use this.

Gives you all the required parts for a cart (preset I think, and they're all compatible)
Ex: /cart

Gives you all the required parts for a castle gear (again preset I think, all compatible)
Ex: /cg

Gives you info about a specified character
/CharInfo [playername]

Makes the current map go into clan field mode?
Ex: /cfmode?

Charms an item with a stat
Ex: /cha [slotname] [WeapID?] [StatID]

Changes your class
Ex: /class [classID?] or /class [classname?]

Description in the cpp file: "*** RELOAD DATA FILES ******" I'm not sure if that means server side, client, or both.
Ex: /configreset?

Changes your server exp rate
Ex: /xprate [exprate]

Same as xprate but for drops
Ex: /droprate [droprate]

Ex: /droptype???

Same as xprate/droprate but for zuly
Ex: /zulyrate [zulyrate]

Set the amount of time in between each time the server automatically saves your character?
Ex: /savetime [minutes?]

Changes the the level gap you can have in between two people before they can party?
Ex: /partygap [levels]

Maxes out all your stats?
Ex: /maxstat?

Changes the rate of regular player's damage?
Ex: /playerdmg [dmgrate]?

Same as playerdmg but for monsters?
Ex: /monsterdmg [dmgrate]?

Uhh...loads commands.ini?
Ex: /cmd?

Ex: No idea

Debuffs a character
Ex: /debuff [playername]

Makes the server go into debugmode (not sure what that does though)
Ex: /debugmode

Delete's all of a player's skills
Ex: /delskills [playername]

Delete's a monster spawn?
/DELETESPAWN [spawnid]?

Debugs select quest? (Not sure what that does though)
Ex: /dquest [questid]?

Drops an item at a certain location.
Ex: /drop [itemtype] [ID] [Xcoord] [Ycoord] [Mapid] [droptime]?

Toggles event mode?
Ex: /event?

Ex: No idea

Sets players exp (defaults to you if you don't put a name I think)
Ex: /exp [amount] [playername]

Changes a players face (defaults to you if you don't put a name I think)
Ex: /face [faceid] [playername]

Toggles fairy mode (whatever that is)
Ex: /fairymode

Makes it so your fairy never goes away?
Ex: /fairystay?

Toggles fairy test mode (whatever that is)
Ex: /fairytestmode?

Sets how long your fairy stays with you?
Ex: /fairywait [minutes?]

Forces a skill (says it's for testing, not sure what it actually does)
Ex: /fskill [skillid]?

Gives an item directly to someone else
Ex: /give2 [playername] [itemID] [type] [amount]

Gives a clan clan points?
/giveclanp [clanname] [amount]?

Same as giveclanp but with clan reward points
/giveclanrp [clanname] [amount]?

Give someone a fairy
/givefairy [playername]

Give someone zuly
Ex: /givezuly [playername] [amount]

PMs you a list of online GMs
Ex: /gmlist
Note: I think any player can use this and not just GMs

Teaches you all the gm skills? Not sure when I typed it in nothing happened...
Ex: /gmskills?

Takes you to preset maps and coords. Type /go normally to give you a list of places to go.
Ex: /go [goID]
Note: Some places like Oro (goID 12) are commented out because not all client have Oro

Teleports you to a specified character
Ex: /goto [playername]

Like /go but you use the actual map ID?
Ex: /gotomap [mapid]?

Turns the grid on on the current map you're on?
Ex: /grid?

Same as the face command but for hair
Ex: /hair [hairID] [playername?]

Heals you (not sure if you can heal other players with this...)?
Ex: /heal?

Returns your current mapid and location
Ex: /here

Makes you invisible to normal players (not sure if it actually works)
Ex: /hide

Uhh...hurts the selected player?
Ex: /hurthim?

Returns info of specified player?
Ex: /info [playername]?

Ex: No idea

Modifies the hit delay
Ex: /hitModif [seconds]?

Gives you an item
Ex: /item [id] [type] [amount] [refine] [socket] [StatID?]

The same thing as /cha I think...
Ex: /itemstat [type] [ID] [statID]?

Changes your first job
Ex: /job [1stjobname]
Note: You can probably easily add this to also include the names for the second jobs too, all you need to know is a tiny bit of c++ and common sense.

Ends a player's connection with the server
Ex: /kick [playername]

Uhhh...kill all the players/monsters in range of you?
Ex: /killinrange [AOErange]?

Learn any skill
Ex: /learnskill [skillID]

Changes your level
Ex: /level [amount]
Note: This doesn't change your level exactly but actually adds onto it, so if you put /level 60 and you're level 100 you'll become level 160.

List all the flags on the specified quest?
Ex: /listqflag [questID]?

List all of your current active quests?
Ex: /listquest?

List all of the vars of your current active quests?
Ex: /listqvar?

The same as /monsterdmg?
Ex: /mdmg [rate]?

Spawns monster(s)
Ex: /mon [monsterid] [amount]

Ex: No idea

Teleport someone else to a specified spot
Ex: /move [playername] [mapID] [Xcoord] [Ycoord]

Uhh the same as goto?
Ex: /moveto [playername]?

Make it so no one can here a person's messages in game
Ex: /mute [playername]

Returns your current location
Ex: /myloc

Returns specified stat
Ex: /mystat [statname]
Note: The stat name is the full one like defense is just def.

Same as /mystat but it's a test for osprose
Ex: /mystat2 [statname]

Spawns a specified npc
Ex: /npc [npcID]

Ex: No idea

Ex: No idea

Make a specified NPC shout a ltb line?
Ex: /npcltb [npcID] [ltbrow]?

Uhhh...give a player a prize?
Ex: /prize [playername]?

Reads packet.txt and sends it
Ex: /p?

Changes your party's level
Ex: /partylvl [level]

Multiplies player damage by set amount (200 would = 2x)
Ex: /pdmg 200
Note: I'm not entirely sure if this is only for you or all players...

Toggles pvp mode in current map
Ex: /pvp

Toggles a new kind of pvp mode?
Ex: /pvpnew?

Something to do with castle gear?
Ex: No idea

Incomplete command, not gonna mess with that...

Lets you refine a certain item
Ex: Not exactly sure...

Apparently reloads config.ini
Ex: /reload

Reloads specified quest?
Ex: /reloadquest [questID]?

PMs you the rules of the server (can be edited in gmcmds.cpp)
Ex: /rules

Saves char info
Ex: /save

Sets your save town
Ex: /savetown [townID]
Note: TownID doesn't mean mapID, if you type /savetown by itself it'll bring up the townID list.

PMs you the server info
Ex: /serverinfo

Makes your current equiped armor all one ID but of different types (like the GM set is all ID 151 so if you type /set 151 it'll make your wear the GM set)
Ex: /set [itemID]

Sets flag for a quest?
Ex: No idea

Sets a quest variable?
Ex: No idea

Lets you set the server time
Ex: /settime [timeID]
Note: The time names/IDs are: MORNING(ID=0), DAY(ID=1), EVENING(ID=2), and NIGHT(ID=3). Once you set it you must relog to see the effects of the command.

Not sure what it is, something to do with time?
Ex: No idea

Change the shoptype of a NPC?
Ex: No idea

Shutdown the server
Ex: /shutdown [minutes]
Note: Make sure to give your players a notice before shutting down!

Uses a skill
Ex: /skill [skillID]

Modified your movement speed
Ex: /SpeedModif 100

Let's you set your stats amount
Ex: /stat [statID] [amount]

Gives you stat points
Ex: /statp [amount]

Summons a monster to help you
Ex: /summon [monsterID]

Tells you about your current target?
Ex: /targetinfo?

Lets you teleport to specified location
Ex: /tele [mapID] [Xcoord] [Ycoord]

Lets you teleport people to you
Ex: /teletome [playername]
Note: You can also teleport everyone to you using "/teletome all"

Ex: No idea

Turns you into the opposite sex
Ex: /transx
Note: You could easily edit it to make it work so you type in a chars name to change their sex too if you already cant.

Changes what union you're in?
Ex: /union [unionID] or /union [unionname]?

Give you union points?
Ex: /unionpoints [amount]?

Tells you how many players and GMs are online
Ex: /who

Tells you each and every player connected, what map their on, and their coordinates
Ex: /who2

Tells you who's attacking you right now?
Ex: /whoattacksme?

Ex: No idea

God that took me forever to write -.-
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby lmame on Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:31 pm

Nice effort... but...
You know Rob did that already ages ago in his admin guide?
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby DeltaBurnt on Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:19 am

Yah but this has the latest GM commands and I'm pretty sure that doesn't have the same as the ones in the latest one.

And if it does I'm gonna kill myself.
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby lmame on Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:21 am

It was nice meeting you :)
Have fun in the after life ;)
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby rl2171 on Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:29 am

DeltaBurnt wrote:Yah but this has the latest GM commands and I'm pretty sure that doesn't have the same as the ones in the latest one.

And if it does I'm gonna kill myself.

Did you download the latest version of my guide from the SVN site?

I think there is just a couple of additions I have yet to upload, but otherwise it is real complete.
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby DeltaBurnt on Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:14 am

And all of them have a description and example?

F*************CK. >.<
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby rl2171 on Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:32 am

Maybe not all have a description

Here is just apart of the guide, of course it is in Excel format

  3. Addquest       
  4. AllSkill    /allskill [charname]   
  5. Ani     /ani [id]   
  6. Ann     /ann [message] 
  7. atkModif    /atkModif [attkSpeedModif] 
  8. b   /b [message to broadcast]   
  9. Ban     /ban [charname] 
  10. Bodysize -disabled  /bodysize [#]   
  11. bonusxp /bonusxp [charname] [bonus] [timeinmminutes] [save] 
  12. Buff - disabled in 81   /buff  [strength of buff 15 - 1000]  Give GM buffs in local area   
  13. Cart    /cart   Gives you pre-selected cart equipment, setup in list_cart_cg sql file
  14. CastleGear  /cg Gives you pre-selected castlegear equipment, setup in list_cart_cg sql file
  15. CFMode  /cfmode [0 or 1]  0= clan wars off 1=clan wars  default Clan Wars is open 24/7
  16. Cha     /cha [slotname] [id] [stats]   
  17. Character Info  /CharInfo [charname]   
  18. Class   /class [id] [charname]  ex:  /class champion test
  19. ConfigReset /configreset [db-entry] [amount]    db-entry = maxlevel, xprate, droprate, droptype, zulyrate, savetime, partygap, maxstat, playerdmg, monsterdmg, cfmode, cmd
  20. Convert     /convert [mobid] (target mob first) 
  21. Debuff  /debuff   Debuff in local area 
  22. DelSkills   /delskills [charname]   
  23. DelSpawn    /DELETESPAWN [database id]  Deletes a spawn
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby Sham1r0 on Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:30 am

OsRose supports whole list such a commands?
Working on OsRose Dev revision II atm. Client v307

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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby rl2171 on Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:47 am

Sham1r0 wrote:OsRose supports whole list such a commands?

Yes, look at my GM guide, it has them all in it.
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Re: Osrose In-depth GM Command List

Postby Sham1r0 on Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:12 am

rl2171 wrote:
Sham1r0 wrote:OsRose supports whole list such a commands?

Yes, look at my GM guide, it has them all in it.

Good man Rob ;)
That guy had just remaked your commands with some descriptions...

Rob good job btw... thx ;)
And DeltaBurnt nice try to do something like main Admins, but you need to try more harder, hehe :P
I almost forget to say: It helped to me :lol:
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