Oke nice work you guys!
But one thing:
Have you guys looked at the triggerVFS.dll and data.idx in v335?
It is different then the normal ones. You can open the filesystem with the editors, but you can't write in it. When you do this the data.idx will get broken and you will get the File Open Error.
My question is: How would you patch your server when you can't add an item into the filesystem?
Is there someone who has succeed doing this? Cause I've trying to fix this for like 3 days and it still doesn't work.
P.S. What I found was that the new one sends his info to a specific address but in the old one this address is different. So that should cause the error, but still don't know how to fix this...
P.S.2 Sorry Observe to go a bit oftopic here, but didn't want to make a whole new topic about this question which also involve v335