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Camera editor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:26 pm
by Juan
Yo osrose.

I finished my exams yesterday, and as i have free time i decided to work on my camera editor again.
I don't work anymore on a private server but i need testers, so i decide to give you the "beta" of my tool.
Make mods, watch maps, do whatever you want with it, but test it and report me bugs and give me new ideas to make it better .
Well i hope also that devellopers will use it to make a new login screen for example. As they have client sources, with imagination they can also make smooth motions that show some quest path, that show opponent lair before starting union war, etc..
Motion files in ROSE's client are ".ZMO" and located in 3DDATA/TITLE folder.

Download link :

How to use interpolation:
According to wikipedia, interpolation is a method of constructing new points within the range of a discrete set of known data points.
In our case that mean that we are going to contrust new frames from key-frames.
For example, you want to make a camera path that pass through 5 points of view (key-frames).
So :
1) Create a new motion by clicking on this button : ... rtuto.png/
Now you have 5 new frames (you can add more or delete some of them)

2)Pick up the first frame by clicking on it then click on the free roam camera button. ... tuto2.png/

3)Now move wherever you want your first frame with WSAD or ZQSD (fuck azerty, qwerty keyboards)

4)After that right-click on this first frame and click one "Set current position"
Now your first key-frame is done, do the same for the 4 others

5)Now let's watch out our camera path : ... tuto3.png/
You can see your 5 key-frames (blue crosses). As you saw, our camera motion use 30 FPS which mean 30 frame per second.
So now imagine if you want to make a motion that last 5sec you need 5*30 150 key-frames (ouch :s).
Here is where interpolation save us: it'll create for us frames between those 5 key-frames.

6)So now let's interpolate my friends: right click on any frame + click on Interpolation.
Here a clever message box ask on which range you want to apply your interpolation. In our case it'll be from frame 0 to 4.
We have also to fill step. What the hell is step?
Well it's the count of frame you'll put between those key-frames you selected.
So now imagine that you want 1 sec between those key-frames you need to put 30: you remember the 30FPS, so 30 frames for 1 sec .
Okay it's nice, but if we want it slower or faster??? Then put 60 step, so 60/30=2 that mean 2 sec between each key-frames.
Or put 15 step, so 15/30=0.5 and you have now 0.5sec between each key frame. This how you control motion speed. ... tuto5.png/

Now let's watch the result with 30 step: ... tuto4.png/
Wow this is so nice, the path is now so smooth.

Next versions will have:
A way to auto-update the program itself when a new version is available
A better way to slow/speed the motion
Thanks to exjam,brett,xadets and any other guys that reversed ROSE's files formats.
I would like also to thanks exjam for his open source client and xadet with his map editor, that helped me to understand the HIM format.

I don't give the sources (it's pretty messy atm) , but feel free to decompile them, or pm me if you really want them.

.net framework 3.5
XNA framework 3.0.0

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:48 pm
by MightyKai
this is Cool thanks

but the download link does not work.

i can't wait to try this

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:55 pm
by Juan
should be fixed

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:32 pm
by MightyKai
still not working. sorry

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:36 pm
by Juan
Ha now it's done. Fuck copy/paste that fuck up links :p

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:47 pm
by MightyKai
yes it works now thanks

i gonna play with it thanks

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:03 am
by MightyKai
Is it possible to record the camera movement ?

and add them automatic to te listbox for the position?

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:16 am
by Juan
yep, the green button is here for that. I didn't implemented it yet. But anyway interpolation is the best way to have a smooth camera.

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:43 pm
by cssvb94

cool tool man,
I'm very interested of map loading procedure/algorithm, I'll appreciate if you share it.

Re: Camera editor

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:50 pm
by Juan
Pm me what you want to know spark :)