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Rifke wrote:Monday we had a gassleak at our school. In the machinery hall, we had to evacuate immediately.
Big chaos and stuff, but it was exiting also, because you off the thing in the back of your head says: It might blow!.
But anyway, that was our exitement of the week.
Rifke wrote:Monday we had a gassleak at our school. In the machinery hall, we had to evacuate immediately.
Maxxon wrote:Rifke wrote:Monday we had a gassleak at our school. In the machinery hall, we had to evacuate immediately.
I think i can top that: Our police prevented some guy from running amok at his school and suicide himself after that. But when they catched him he escaped and suicided anyway by jumping in front of a street car.
And the real crux of the story is: This all happend last weekend. The amok run was scheduled for last tuesday. But what the police did not know when they catched him at the weekend was, that he had cancelled his amok run already.
Arefinalam18 wrote:lol...sounds funny...
Bless wrote:Arefinalam18 wrote:lol...sounds funny...
This topic is quite old now and I have no idea why you bumped it all out of nowhere. please don't do that again.
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