Hi, I'm a Unity developer and I want to utilize 3D data which is in rose online formats for a personal project solely for my own learning experience that will never be distributed or used for any commercial purpose.
I've found some resources searching here and on Github such as a blender plug-in, an SMD converter, the UnityRose project, etc.
I've never done much really in the tech art or art tools space, more systems and gameplay type stuff. I've dug in a bit with the UnityRose project and am attempting to use the code there in order to import models and animations as Unity friendly assets but I'm struggling with it.
I'm considering taking a crash course in blender to see if I cant use that plugin to export some fbxs but I thought it might be best to post here first and see if there is someone more familiar with rose formats or has / knows of a better way.
I'm rather passionate about the project I'm putting together and would even be willing to donate to Patreon or whatever for someone's time and effort in assisting me.