- # define empty lists
- bones = []
- vertices = []
- uvs = []
- normals = []
- faces = []
Hi guys,
This is a blender import plugin scripted by me in Python.
1. Install blender 3d [Download link: http://www.blender.org/download/get-blender/]
2. Open C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts in your explorer and paste import_bin_zms.py file there
3. Start Blender and go to : [see attached image]
4. Select the zms file from the file dialog:
* First click the filename then click [Import RoseOnline ZMS] button how is shown on the second attached image.
You should see result similar to this:
Some additional info:
Bones are not imported yet!
Animation is not imported yet!
No Python installation is needed.
The script works with build-in python interpretator in Blender.
I'll try not to use external modules.
Feature plans:
- ZMS export script, first for static then for animated mesh
- Extend the script to import ZMD (bones) and animation (ZMO)
My work is free for use and modify, but make a reference to me as author.