Uploading Code to SVN

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Uploading Code to SVN

Postby Drakia on Wed May 14, 2008 9:45 pm

Updated to new SVN address

To upload to SVN:
1) Install Tortoise SVN http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/
2) Create a new folder, right click it, and select "SVN Checkout..."
3) Enter "http://svn.assembla.com/svn/osprose" as the URL of Repository, leave everything else as defaults
4) Select OK and wait, it'll download the latest revision.
5) You will now have the latest SVN release in the folder you created.
6) Copy this code to a secondary folder where you will edit/compile. You can do a search for ".svn" and delete all the folders named ".svn" in this copy of the folder.
7) Once you have edited the code in this secondary folder, and compiled/ran/connected/played for a few minutes to test, right click on the SVN folder and click "SVN Update". This will make sure you have the latest version of the SVN to work from.
8) Use a diff program (I use WinMerge) to compare the SVN folder, and your editing folder. Copy over the edits piece by piece (In WinMerge you can right click a changed line, and select "Copy to [SIDE]" to copy a change)
9) To upload your changes, right click the folder and select "SVN Commit", make sure to enter a list of what you've changed so we can keep track. On the first commit, it will then ask for a username/password, ask pepu/Raven0123 to invite you to the dev team.
10) You have now uploaded a change to the SVN server, wait and see who bitches about it ;)

Could we get this stickied?
Last edited by Drakia on Mon May 26, 2008 1:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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