- trose.exe @TRIGGER_SOFT@ _server [youriphere]
Codeblocks is the preferred IDE for use with OSpRose, we can not give support for any other programming IDE's.
Programs you will need:
Part 1 - Downloading the latest SVN code
First of all, you need to install Tortoise SVN, download the latest version and install it.
Now, on your harddrive somewhere, create a folder that will hold the OSpRose source code.
Right click this folder, and select "SVN Checkout...", this will pop up a little box.
The only thing you need to do here is put "https://opensvn.csie.org/osprose" into the "URL of repository" field, then click "OK". All the source files will download from SVN.
Part 2 - Setting up your environment
Now we get to install CodeBlocks. You should download codeblocks-8.02mingw-setup.exe as it comes with the compiler. Once you have installed CodeBlocks, then you need to install a few packages to make OSpRose compile. These files are attached (libmysql.zip and pthread.zip), just extract them to CodeBlocks\minGW (I'm not positive on this directory, but as far as I know, that's where it's installed to).
Part 3 - Opening and compiling
Ok, so now we have codeblocks, a compiler, the required packages, and source, so let's compile!
Open up CodeBlocks, and select "File->Open" and go to the "Binary" folder in the OSpRose SVN directory. Open all 3 of the .dev files (You can open them one by one, or by clicking the first, holding Ctrl, and clicking the other 2).
There will be a little window asking you to select a compiler, just leave this on the first entry, and click "Ok" for all 3 projects.
Now, you need to compile the projects. To do this, at the top of the window, click "Build->Build Workspace" and all the open projects will build. You can ignore any warnings that are given at this point, unless there's an error, then something went wrong.
Hooray, you now have the EXE's for the server compiled, now we need to get the client files.
Part 4 - Client and Client Files
Now, you'll need to install the 112 client (DO NOT UPDATE TO 124). So run the 112 installer, and follow it's instructions.
Once it is installed, you'll need to extract the VFS files, so create a folder somewhere to store the files from the VFS.
Download Snipah's VFS Editor/Extractor to your ROSE Online 112 clients folder, and run it.
Once it's loaded, select the menu option "File->Extract All" and select the directory you created for your VFS files.
Now copy the files from VFS\3ddata\stb to SVN\Binary\3ddata\stb\ and the files from VFS\3ddata\questdata to SVN\Binary\3ddata\questdata
For later use, create a new text file in your client folder and rename it "launch.bat", make the contents
Once your server is running, you will run this to launch the client.
Before you can run the client though, launch "TriggerDetect.exe" to create some needed config files.
Part 5 - Setting Up Server
Almost done now, we just need to set up the server.
First thing you'll want to do is import the SVN\Database\prose.sql into your database (Either use NaviCat, PHPMyAdmin, or use the included batch file if you have MySQL installed locally). You can ignore the other SQL files, they are for development.
Now, in SVN\Binary\ you need to edit the *Server.conf files. Open them in your favorite text editor.
Change the "DATABASE" section to match your database details in all configs.
Change the "serverip" to match your servers external IP or domain in all configs.
Ignore lanip and lansubmask, they aren't actually used in the server.
In a perfect world, every server would change their "PASSWORDS" section of the config, but most don't.
Do NOT change the charip in worldserver.conf unless you know what you're doing
The rest of the config can be changed to your liking. I recommend only changing "servername" in login and char configs, the rest of the options should be left as-is. In worldserver.conf, there are a lot of settings that effect gameplay on your server.
When running the server, make sure to run it in this order:
- Login
- Char
- World
If you have any questions, just ask, but if they were answered here, expect to get bitched at. Setting up a launcher for your client has been covered many times over, use the search function, or just browse the Guide forum.
Also, this is all from memory, so it might not be 100% correct.