Files and Tools Release

This forum contains the items, weapons, resources or other files shared between players.

Moderators: osRose dev team, ospRose dev team, osiRose dev team, Moderators

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Client Editing is a delicate subject. osRose and osiRose will not support or use any Client Editing tool or results as a standard. So you are free to experiment, test, and develop there on Client Editing, but at your own risk :)
Don't share ANY files, graphics, items that don't belong to you.

Files and Tools Release

Postby Ely on Wed Sep 09, 2020 6:38 pm

7Kingdoms Dev Client: It's based on 7Skies and includes a bunch of the official tools precompiled. ... 4hSB4JGLt0

iRosePH Extracted Patches: This includes almost every available iRosePH patch besides any released in the last few months. Contains the items, animations, effects, etc of their custom classes. ... 4AhbubB-7Y

AlegaRoseDLL: A custom dll we had made to fix the client and server mismatch in rev4. It was used in Alega Rose and is being used in Tsuki Online. The second link has the trose from Alega that's setup to automatically load the dll. You're on your own for setting up the server code though. ... LCOE6OuGYM ... vERVlyKUUY

3dsmax 2010 plugins: Either people ignored these or just missed them. Allows for the creation of lightmaps, animations, and all kinds of shit. I have successfully imported models, skeletons and animations from other games into rose with these tools.

LIT File Generator: A script to help automate the process of writing your LIT files. Requires the LIT Converter created by lazypenguin. Don't blame me for the shitty script setup, I didn't make it. ... HoCDNHxK1A

XtoZMS Tool ... BiGCbnBVa4
Little soul
Little soul
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Joined: Wed Sep 09, 2020 5:49 pm

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