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Postby Drakia on Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:37 am

List of revisions. Will try to keep up to date. [Rev ## (Dev)] followed by SVN messages.
[rev 169[PY]]
Reworked combat mechanics with new formulas for normal and skill attacks. fixed some minor errors in other places

[rev 168[PY]]
fixed a glitch with AI Timers not loading properly.

[rev 167[PY]]
fixed a glitch in SocketServer.cpp that was outputting a warning message when it shouldn't have been. Thanks to XxXShidoXxX for letting me know about it.

[rev 166 [PY]]
Whole load of stuff updated. Closed a lot of potential crashes and added a couple of improved quest functions.

[Rev 165 [PY]]
uploaded modified ltb.sql. please run the file as a query in your database.

[Rev 164 [PY]]
Fixes a couple of remaining problems that were discovered in rev 163. Please do a complete rebuild of the project as some header files were changed.

[Rev 163 [PY]]
Conflicts from rev 162 now resolved. Files compile correctly. There wasn't as much wrong with it as I thought there might be.

[Rev 162 [PY]]
Massive amount of stuff. I'm not even going to list it. potentially may not compile properly. Not tested fully yet so i don't know if i got every change made yet. treat this as a preliminary upload. Any necessary fixes will come along in a bit.

[Rev 161 (PY)]
Another quickie. Fixes crashes when a summoned pet tries to move to the 'current' position of a monster that you just killed.

[Rev 160 (PY)]
Just a quickie here. Modified function IsTargetreached() in Charfunctions.cpp. Fixes distant targeting issues for normal attacks and skills.

[Rev 159 (PY)]
Affected files. Serverfunctions.cpp WorldPackets.cpp

[Rev 158 (PY)] fixed a bug in startup.cpp that was preventing it compiling. Thanks to Rob for pointing this out.

[Rev 154 thorugh 157 (PY)]
Expanded AIP a little to include parsing AIP for NPCs.
Added LTBstring.sql Please install to your DB or it will not start up properly.
Fixed buff code, fireworks, summons etc.
Tidied up a lot.
Added support for ItemDropRate as used in dealer skill "Stockpile"
Rewrote drops so that the conditions are ANDed instead of ORed as per conversation with Ghost_Dragon.

[Rev 153 (drakia)] I think that's what rev it was. Oh wait, it was 153 not 152
Added AIP stuff to CBP project.

[Rev 151 (PY)]
Added AI folder to 3Ddata.
Please extract all the AIP files from your client and put them in here.

[Rev 147 through 150 (PY)]
Added a whole bunch of stuff related to AIP.
Modified monster spawns (not the actual spawns, just the method of adding them)
Rewrote most of Buff.cpp from scratch and fixed up a lot of the skill code too.
Added various debug code
Still a bunch of stuff to do with the AIP but this should be a good start.

[Rev 146 (Pepu)]
Added SkillSuccessRate formula.

[Rev 145 (Pepu)]
New SkillPower formula using new system (Easy to edit and fix now).

[Rev 144 (Pepu)]
Fixed hitting rate formula, it should work properly now

[Rev 143 (Pepu)]
Added a new skillpower formula, and fixed a little bit normal attack formula,
Formulas still needing a lot of work :S

[Rev 142 (drakia)]
Undid all the iRose functions. Left in the other useful changes.

[Rev 141 (drakia)]
Made the new damage calcs use PlayerDmg and MonsterDmg from the config.

[Rev 140 (drakia)]
Added the GetMgcDmg function, it is used when a player/mob attacks with a magic weapon (Staff, wand, etc). Also changed NormalAttack to check the weapon type and call the right function.
Added the GetStorageFee function. It's not used right now, but it's there for when someone wants to implement charging for storage.

[Rev 139 (drakia)]
This revision adds a (hopefully) accurate GetAtkDmg function, and GetCritRate function. These are taken from iRose, but should be accurate for us, or atleast close to it.
Uploaded, post if you run into problems, or weird damage behavior.

[Rev 138 (drakia)]
Added a few templated functions to the CPacket class. You can now use pak.Add<TYPE>(data), pak.AddString(string, nullTerminate), pak.AddString<TYPE>(string), and pak.AddBytes(byte*, len).
Added a (hopefully) accurate GetHitRate function from ExJam. He figured out what his mistake was in reversing. Will work on GetAtkDmg later, it's acting up.

[Rev 137 (drakia)]
Made /class set the proper (I think) quest variables when used.
Fixed the output of /listqflags
Added the command /setqflag, it takes two parameters, flag and 1/0.

[Rev 136 (drakia)]
Added the new telegate SQL to prose.sql; Oops, forgot it in last rev
Cleaned up the worldserver.conf file a bit, took out things that are in the DB, also made the worldserver not try to load them from the conf.
Added the playerdmg/monsterdmg from the database to source, it was still using conf.
Fixed a bunch of warnings in battle.cpp

[Rev 135 (drakia)]
Fixed "Near Point" quest condition
Added telegate hack checks. If the player isn't within a 50 unit radius of the telegate, they're considered hacking. This may need to be raised. Also hacking if not on same map, or if the telegate doesn't exist serverside.

[Rev 134 (drakia)]
Added `` around field names when loading list_mobgroups, I think "range" is a keyword in newer MySQL maybe?

[Rev 133 (drakia)]
Re-added /setqvar GM command, arguments are vartype,varno,var
Fixed Job check, again, stupid WORDs not casting to INTs properly

[Rev 132 (drakia)]
Fix a slight memory leak when saving quests.

[Rev 131 (drakia)]
Added some clan debug code. More to come most likely.

[Rev 130 (drakia)]
Fixed quests checking job, should have checked job type, not actual job number (So, job / 100)

[Rev 129 (drakia)]
Fixed a bug in the itemCheck quest function.
Added quest-specific vars to /listqvar
Made /listquest not show 0'd quests

[Rev 128 (drakia)]
Bah, had - 90 instead of - 900.

[Rev 127 (drakia)]
Added support for reading NPC dialogId's from the list_npcs table. Also updated my IFO dumper on the forums with this change.
Updated database to reflect dialogid changes.
Removed questdebug being true by default.

[Rev 126 (drakia)]
Initial spawns now use the in-order system.

[Rev 125 (drakia)]
Had a piece of debug code still in (Didn't take as many kills to spawn a mob boss as it should have). Oops :)

[Rev 122/123/124 (drakia)]
Reverted changes made in 120/122
Changed the spawn system to spawn mobs in-order instead of random.
Initialized a few vars I forgot about for the spawn system.

[Rev 121 (pepu)]
After testing with high levels, i decided to use IsTAIWAN, because you will do less miss at low level.
I don´t really now the differences between istaiwan or not, but i tested them, and for me, is better with ISTAIWAN. (Feel free to test them, change bool IsTAIWAN = true; to false. )

[Rev 120 (pepu)]
Finaly!, perfect accuracy formula is working now.

[Rev 119 (drakia)]
Just removing duplicate calls to UpdateValues and PlayerInRange checks, the ones at the end will be called anyways.

[Rev 118 (PY)]
Patch to Questactions.cpp. makes rackie ghosts appear with zero aggro rating. They were attacking me before.

[Rev 117 (PY)]
Patch for rackie vaccine quest. Adds code to change rackie ghosts to purified rackies after 5 seconds. Also deletes purified rackies after 20 seconds.
Also stops any monster set to zero aggro from fighting back if you attack it.
Affected files
mainprocesses.cpp, monsterevents.cpp

[Rev 116 (drakia)]
I don't want to do the OSRose "Here, have 20 SQL files" or OSiRose "Here, pick an SQL file to install" thing.
Keep the database folder clean fellow devs :) If you're going to implement something, implement it fully.
Removed respawnzones.sql and implemented them in the main database. Changed default spawnid.

[Rev 115 (pepu)]
Added respawnzones.sql (thanks to drakia for the extractor),you will have to set resapawnid and townid in "character" in the sql correctly, or it won´t work.

[Rev 111 (drakia)]
Set all autoincrement fields to start at 1
Fixed a problem with an item drops name.

[Rev 110 (drakia)] - Big rev, if I screwed anything up, post ASAP. I tested, but you can never be certain.
Removed a lot of random old code.
Updated the prose.sql file with the latest of everything. npc_data wasn't needed, list_config needed a key. lan stuff wasn't needed in channels, neither was status.
Updated source to reflect channels changes.
Removed unneeded config values from .conf files, and from being read in from .conf files. This includes the rate's that have been moved to SQL.

[Rev 109 (drakia)]
Added support for resuming a timed quest after disconnecting, time still counts while offline.
Added server-side check for timer on timed quests.

[Rev 108 (drakia)] - Ok, make that here. - Quests should be 100% from here on.
Changed the lifespan of quest-given items to 100.
GetPakData() multiplies it by 10, so it doesn't need to be 1000.

[Rev 107 (drakia)]
Removed unneeded files from worldserver. None of these were actually in use.

[Rev 106 (drakia)]
Another fix to quests. If the client sends a "CheckQuest" packet, then a "CheckItem" packet, we want to check the item in the quest that was just checked, I added this behavior.

[Rev 105 (drakia)]
Removed quest 1 as a default quest. It isn't needed if ifelse is utilized properly :)

[Rev 104 (pepu)]
Edited skill power formula (magic attacks)

[Rev 103 (drakia)]
Because of a bug in a 112 QSD, I had to add a workaround serverside. Hopefully it won't affect any other quests.

[Rev 102 (drakia)]
Go figure, I had one little return wrong

[Rev 101(drakia)]
Should fix the problems PY was having.
I fixed the Quest Item Check function, it wasn't comparing the right values if iWhere was 13.

[Rev 100(drakia)] - Woo, 100 revisions! :D
Changed the way CheckNext is interpreted.
Quests should advance right now. PY is still having trouble with "kill x mobs" quests.

[Rev 99 (drakia)]
Changed a bit of the quest stuff, users now start with quest 1
Changed the /listquest GM command to use PMs
Moved the pakQuestTrigger function to worldpackets.

[Rev 98 (drakia)]
Re-ported a large portion (Most of) the quest code.
Added props to ExJam for his code.
Enabled quest debugging by default.
Added a lot of quest debugging PM's
Probably more, but I don't remember, it's 2:30 am ;)

IMPORTANT: The quest structure has CHANGED in this revision, and as such, quest data from previous revisions is not compatible. You will need to empty your list_quest table, and start your quests over again. Do NOT complain if you run into problems and are running on an old table. You'll also need to run a PHP script against your database when I get around to writing it today.

[Rev 97 (drakia)]
Reverted some changes in loginpackets.cpp that made status not work, as well as some weird things like changing BYTE to unsigned char, when BYTE is defined AS unsigned char.

[Rev 96 (drakia)]
Fixed quest given items overwriting already had items (This is why quests would give 0 or negative numbers of items).
Added a bit more debug output to Action 005.

[Rev 95 (pepu)]
New skill power formula.

[Rev 94 (drakia)]
Added Code::Blocks project files.
Default options are strip symbols, and optimize for speed (-O3)

[Rev 93 (drakia)]
Just removing the last bits of the hp_list stuff. Just variable defines, nothing important :)

[Rev 92 (drakia)]
Removed the code for list_hp table. I forgot to remove it when I put my code for HP in.

[Rev 91 (drakia)]
Updated the list_npcs in prose.sql.
Removed list_hp.sql.

[Rev 90 (drakia)]
Added /learnskill GM command.

[rev 89 (PY)]
Fixed calculation for AP on refined weapons. They were being added at 5 times the amount that they should be.
Also cleared out some old unused code
Affected files

[rev 88 (PY)]
Fixed buffs and debuffs from skills. Now uses thisskill->status values to decide if it is a buff or debuff.
Also slightly modified battle.cpp. It is now possible to adjust the battle constant differently for players and monsters. This should help to balance damage over the level range since the adjustment is based on level/x where x is different for players and mobs.
Also changed a call to AddDebuffs() to AddBuffs(). We no longer use AddDeBuffs() at all. AddBuffs does it all.
Affected files
Battle.cpp, Buff.cpp

[rev 87 (PY)]
Added new function to gmcmds.cpp to aid with debugging. Will also be very useful for GMs in game.
/refine itemtype [refine]
example /refine weap 7 will set the refine value of whatever weapon you are currently holding to 7
example2 /refine suit 5 will set your currently equipped armor to refine 5

[rev 86 (pepu)]
Changed the code again, sorry was my fault.
Now Mobs cannot hit u less than 5.

[rev 85 (pepu)]
Mobs cannot hit you less than 5.

[rev 84 (PY)]
Further improvements to the normal combat formulas. Please test with playerdamage and monsterdamage set to 100.
Affected files

[Rev 83 (PY)]
Added calls to Setstats() whenever a skill is leveled up or learned.
Affected files
Worldpackets.cpp and Serverfunctions.cpp

[Rev 82 (drakia)]
Changed all the stat calculations to go:
Calculate base
Add cloth
Calculate PSkill Buff
Add PSkill Buff
This way it matches what the client returns. All stats can be affected by a PSkill buff, so custom skills can be created to do neat things :)
Enabled GetXPRate function call.

[Rev 81 (drakia)]
Fixed MaxHP and Def calcs to use PSkills in the correct way.

[Rev 80 (drakia)]
Removing duplicate XPRate function.

[rev 79 (PY)]
Corrected two errors. one in player.h an done in character.h.
Somehow they both ended up with 2 calls to GetXPRate().

[rev]78 (PY)]
Added list_skillbooks (Sethanye's new data) to the database folder as a stand alone installable SQL file. not integrated into the main database yet.

[rev 77 (PY)]
Small modification to GetPYDrops in Serverfunctions.cpp
It was calculating the drop rate slightly wrong by using 2 X the monster's item drop rate rather than item drop rate + money drop rate.
This caused too many zuly drops in some cases.

[rev 76 (PY)]
Added support for 'magicattack' to players and monsters. This allows us to read the current 'magicattack' type from players (based on weapon type) and monsters (based on their attack type in the STB) so that we can use different attack/defense formulas.
Affected files 10.
Datatype.h, Battle.cpp, Startup.cpp, character.h, Charstats.cpp, Monsterstats.cpp, Playerstats.cpp, Worldmonster.h, Player.h, chartype.h
Also added an experimental battle formula in Battle.cpp along with commented out debug code that you can re-activate or delete. your choice.
Soldiers now have a harder time fighting monsters with magical attacks (Flanae, ghosts etc.) but do a lot more damage to monsters that rely on magic def (eg. ghosts)

[Rev 75 (drakia)]
Added the "Platinum" packet from OSRose, now you can drag/drop onto the 4th Storage tab, not sure what else was platinum only.

[Rev 74 (drakia)]
Proper 100% accurate base Def calc implemented.

[Rev 73 (drakia)]
Added new defines in datatypes.h for jobs (Soldier = 111, etc)
Removed /job from gmcmds, /class should be used instead
Added MaxHP calc based on legit client equation.

[Rev 71, 72 (PY)]
Modified the server to read HP values from a SQL table into lookup arrays then read them in the GetMaxHP() function.
changes to
Added SQL table to the database folder (but not to the batch file)
The lookup table only works to level 100 currently but has the capability of going as high as 400 once the data is entered.

[Rev 70 (PY)]
Modified code to calculate movespeed for carts and castle gears. Mods to..
Datatypes.h to add members to the CPatData structure in order to carry the STB values needed for the calculations
Startup.cpp Added code to load the STB values
PlayerStats.cpp. Rewrote the movespeed formula for carts and castle gear to include base speed, percent modifiers from sub items and move speed stat modifiers from peripherals like steel backseat and jet booster.
All items that have been tested return the exact value.
No more teleporting in that cart or Gear ;)

[Rev 69 (PY)]
Added "weight" to /mystats structure.
Modified the max weight formula. it wasn't adding 220 per level.

[Rev 68 (pepu)]
Movement Speed fixed.

[Rev 67 (pepu)]
Defense calculation formula fixed.

[Rev 66 (drakia)]
Because apparently I'm not listened to, this will make stats work 100%. The only thing changed from what was already there is the calculation when you aren't holding a weapon, as well as the ap boost when you have a job. Everything else is the code that was there, but commented out previously.

[Rev 65 (pepu)]
Now AP should work perfectly.(all types of weapons)

[Rev 64 (pepu)]
Fixed AP code for: One hand sword, One hand blunt sword, Two hand sword, Spear, Two hand axe.

[Rev 63 (drakia)]
Fixed a few compile errors from last commit.

[Rev 62 (PY)] Added the new AP stats calculation code to all STR based weapons in PlayerStats.cpp. Now returns exact values up to 400 STR. Above that it seems to use an additional formula.
Also Modified Serverfunctions.cpp to stop players getting (invisible) fairies when they first log in. Only the stats show up from these fairy events, no actual fairy. makes all the stats come back wrong though. Now the server cannot assign any fairies until there are at least 5 players logged in. It's a bit of a band aid for the moment but it does the trick.

[Rev 61 (drakia)] (This is mainly for devs, nothing users will notice has been changed)
Added some stuff to the UseSkill function to test out. We'll need to figure out how we'll classify skills.
Added code to load LIST_STATUS.stb, this will be needed for skill code.
Added some more variables for status effects, everything is covered, we just need to implement it all.

[Rev 60 (drakia)]
Rewrote the SendPM and SendGlobalMSG functions to use the printf format (client, format, arglist...) so as to avoid having to use a buffer outside the function.
Added a /skill GM command to test out new skill code while we're writing it.

[Rev 59 (drakia)]
Skills now check/take the correct amount of Zuly when leveling
Skills check proper stats/job/rskill/rskilllvl and send back the correct message to the client if fail
Fixed AOEBuff so it will work with clan skills, and takes away MP when using an AOE buff on just yourself.
Added GetClan() function to character class
Fixed buff.cpp using value1 instead of value1[i]
Added a shitload of defines for skill/stat stuff
Way more skill info is loaded from the STB (Also commented the skill loading in STB for ease of use)

[Rev 58 (drakia)]
Added most of the rest of the XPRate code (Disabled for now though) Prev rev wouldn't compile ;)
Added a few things for new skill base.

[rev 56,57 (PY)]
Updated gmcmds.cpp to include debugmode debugging tools and /mystat gm command to read back your stats from the server.

[Rev 55 (drakia)]
Wrote a new database installer, no need to edit it anymore, will ask user for input when run.
Also added a README just incase ;)

[Rev 54 (drakia)]
If a quest has a skill learning action, it won't charge you SP for that skill (Was breaking "Defense Training", I don't think it's supposed to charge you for those skills)

[Rev 53 (drakia)]
Fixed /level so that when upping a users level it adds the right amount of skill points.

[Rev 52 (drakia)]
Moved round() to WorldServer.h since it's defined as inline, and with it in extrafunctions.cpp you can't compile with -O3.

[Rev 51 (drakia)]
Fixed quests spawning monsters. The x/y needed to be divided by 100.
Added a few GM commands for quest debugging (listqvar and setqvar)

[Rev 50 (PY)]
Added code to handle Stamina (vital jams etc.) and SP (mana jams etc.) based food items in Playerfunctions.cpp.

[Rev 49 (drakia)]
Fixed storage. Packet structure was wrong, re-wrote the withdraw to work like the deposit.
Removed sending a quest trigger packet every time a user connects (0x730), might have had something to do with weird quest behavior.
If on connect a user has too much stuff, they are properly put in a walking stance.
GetNew*Slot functions now return a slot if 999 items will be in it (Only returned if 998 would be in it before).
Update charpackets.cpp so that when a user deletes a character, it will also delete the associated items, quests and friends. There's two methods, one using a few LEFT JOINS, the other is a SELECT and 4 DELETE FROM's. The JOIN method is enabled by default, but if it doesn't work right just switch to the other one.

[Rev 48 (drakia)]
Fixed "Return To Dungeon Entrance" so that you spawn at entrance instead of saved town. Also fixed AP so it doesn't have ghosts.
Added a field to maps called "dungeon" is true if the map is a dungeon.

[Rev 47 (drakia)]
Fixed the skill point distribution to match Pre-Evo method.

[Rev 46 (drakia)]
Added MySQL Ping. It gets the timeout from the MySQL server, so no config needed.
Fixed a slight quest glitch when checking items. (See viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1413)
Fixed a few compiler warnings.

[Rev 45 (drakia)]
Hitting mobs now works with 124 client.

[Rev 44 (drakia)]
Added the code required to use 124 client.
You will need to uncomment the "#define USE124" line in rosecrypt.hpp and put trose.exe from the 124 client into your server folder to use it.
Renamed "POISED" to "POISONED" in the buff files.

[Rev 43 (PurpleYouko)]

[Rev 42 (PurpleYouko)]
Updated Playerfunctions.cpp to fix issues with non-stacking items on pickup of drops. Also fixes cross over between types 11 and 12 on pickup.

[Rev 41 (Pepu)]
Almost all debuffs working now (Mute,stun,poison,flaming not..)
Fixed some vars,and added vars for not working debuffs,to fix them tomorrow i think :P

[Rev 40 (drakia)]
Fixed clan window updating when creating a clan.

[Rev 39 (drakia)]
Fixed /npc, would die and/or have a memory leak if NPC id didn't exist.

[Rev 38 (Pepu)]
HP/MP Fixed

[Rev 37 (Pepu)]
Skills buffs Fixed

[Rev 36 (drakia)]
Updated the IFO based spawn code to use mob->amount.
Now it will spawn amount of a certain type of mob, but still stick to the limit for types.

[Rev 35 (drakia)]
Fixed item_drops, seems a rogue character was screwing up the table.

[Rev 34 (drakia)]
Enabled IFO based spawning by default.
Me and Rob have tested it pretty thoroughly, there are still some missing features (Mob amount spawning) but nothing crashing. Spawns are better than the previous.
To re-enable old spawns, run list_spawnareas.sql and comment out "#define USEIFO" in sockets.h.

[Rev 33 (drakia)]
Fixed /go 6, you spawned in a pyramid

[Rev 32 (drakia)]
Removed /go maps that didn't exist.

[Rev 31 (drakia)]
Updated IFO based spawning to use tactical points properly
Now it will take tacticalpoints basic kills before a tactical mob (boss) will spawn.

[Rev 30 (drakia)]
Re-adding Worldserver/quest/

[Rev 29 (drakia)]
Added Py's Drop Code.
Merged his SQL into prose.sql.

[Rev 28 (Pepu)]

[Rev 27 (drakia)]
Drop Refine Fix by Blah4

[Rev 26 (drakia)]
Wrong version again. This is hard to keep track of the latest versions.

[Rev 25 (drakia)]
Oops, put the wrong version up.

[Rev 24 (drakia)]
Fixed the changes in battle.cpp/playerfunctions.cpp that pepu accidentally deleted. Also fixed a warning in CRoseFile.hpp

[Rev 23 (PurpleYouko)]

[Rev 22 (PurpleYouko)]

[Rev 21 (Pepu)]
other files were deleted

[Rev 20 (PurpleYouko)]
3 database tables added for new functionality

[Rev 19 (Pepu)]
Consumables regen FIX

[Rev 18 (Pepu)]
Skill damage fix

[Rev 17 (Pepu)]

[Rev 16 (Pepu)]

[Rev 15 (drakia)]
Fixed /go command so if you leave it blank it will give a list of /go locations. Removed duplicate Commang_go entry in sockets.h and check in gmcmds.cpp, only Command_Go was actually used.

[Rev 14 (drakia)]
Updated basic skills to include "Dual Scratch" as suggested by rl2171. Also removed the binary files so that people will be sure to compile the latest version, and not report errors from previous compiles (I recommend we keep the binary out of SVN for the reason)

[Rev 13 (drakia)]
Added IFO based spawn code. Currently disabled until it's completed, but other devs might want to look at it.
Look in common/sockets.h to enable.

[Rev 12 (drakia)]
Added Blackdpd's quickbar fix

[Rev 11 (drakia)]
Updated list_npcs to latest by Drakia
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Re: Revisions

Postby pepu on Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:29 pm

Drakia wrote:[Rev 47 (drakia)]
Fixed the stat point distribution to match Pre-Evo method.

Stat points or skill points..?
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Re: Revisions

Postby Drakia on Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:12 pm

erm, skill points, I always mix those two up when I'm typing it. Plus it was like 2am ;)
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Re: Revisions

Postby PurpleYouko on Tue Jun 03, 2008 5:08 pm

Drakia did you mean to delete the mystat and codedebug stuff from gmcmds?
rev 55 came in with the entire structures completely gone.
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Re: Revisions

Postby Drakia on Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:54 pm

Wait, what? I didn't delete any commands or anything from gmcmds o.O I just added a couple. Let me look at SVN logs. OK, I'm not sure what you're gmcmds is missing, but my code didn't change that stuff o.O
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Re: Revisions

Postby PurpleYouko on Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:05 pm

I added the /mystat structure a few days back, then one of your newer revs reverted it back to before I put it up.
It took out the "debugmode" switch too
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Re: Revisions

Postby Drakia on Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:07 pm

umm... you've never once edited gmcmds, are you sure you commited?
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Re: Revisions

Postby PurpleYouko on Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:12 pm

I guess it's possible that it may have glitched again.
I definitely tried to.
I still seem to have troubles from time to time.

I will upload the merged gm commands again. See if it works this time.
Oh Crapola!!
It seems to have gotten itself all 'conflicted' and won't let me commit :(

OK now resolved and commited at rev 56
This version of gm commands includes your new stuff too
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Re: Revisions

Postby Drakia on Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:18 pm

Ok, looks like it worked this time :)
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Re: Revisions

Postby PurpleYouko on Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:19 pm

yeah except that i forgot to add the header mods to make debugmode work.
Had to go back and update player.cpp and chartype.h then upload them as rev 57 :D
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