Which client & server to modify and use ?

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Which client & server to modify and use ?

Postby NewMilenium on Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:40 pm

Hello everyone, and especially Purpleyouko who helped me a lot some years earlier.

I return after a few years with the very same project stuck in my head, i have to do it at some point, now may very well be a good time : i will modify a Rose client & Rose server to launch my own local server (probably playing alone on it) on which i remove job requirements to learn skills (and also have a linear or almost linear XP progression and drops vastly increased so that the game is playable alone and at 2 - 5 players, and also, if possible, i'll modify the possible drop stats on items to have way more possibilities => choices).

To do it, i need you guys with an extensive knowledge of current Roses versions to answer a simple question please :
which client & server should i use (meaning, first : CAN i use) ?
(because, when i last tried - and you can see the posts on the forums - , the conclusion was... i couldn't edit the client files, so it failed)

I joined the discord and asked the very same question, without any answer so far, so i thought i can as well ask it here.

Thanks for any help.
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Re: Which client & server to modify and use ?

Postby PurpleYouko on Sun Mar 12, 2023 7:19 pm

Your best shot for server development would be the roseZA server project.
It's more or less plug and play.
Downside is that, like most clients, we have no source code.

Hit me up with a personal message on discord and we can chat a little tomorrow. I can set you up with the basic stuff that you will need
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